Friday, September 26, 2008
History - Traditional Korean Architecture
Introduction of the Chinese culture- basic system of wooden building frames
- Oriental conceptual thoughts: yin and yang, interpretation of the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), geomancy, Taoism and Confucianism, Buddhism,
-Unification of the Three Kingdoms (668)-Under the cultural influence of the Tang Dynasty of China - assimilate the influx of foreign culture with indigenous and innate aspirations.
-Koryo period, artistic expressions were characterized by "contemplative beauty," freed from man's limits imposed on form- internal mind and self control of Zen Buddhist thought.
Korean architecture practice now?
sensibility which has a distinct language, coupled with a sensitive reading of site and deconstruction of the urban.
design sensibility: Dutch in process, a little Swiss in lines and materiality (if these stereotypical categories hold true)
Monday, September 15, 2008
한옥은 모델링이 시공할 때보다 시간이 더 오래걸리죠."
설계를 의뢰받았을 때 돈이 많이 들어오면 1/20, 적게 들어오는 거면 1/50으로 만들어요. 그게 가장 경제적이죠.
1990 서울대학교 건축학과 수석졸업
1992 서울대학교 대학원 건축학과 졸업
1995 동경대학교 대학원 박사과정 수료 (일본 문부성 장학생)
1996 (주)일건 C&C 건축사사무소
1996~2000 (주)경영위치 건축사사무소
2000~ guga 도시건축 연구소 대표
서울 시립대학교 건축학과 강의
현재 경기대 건축공학과 겸임교수, 서울대 건축학과 강사
제8회 대한민국 건축대전 우수상 「URBAN FLOW」
mAAN 2004 Tokyo JAPAN International Conference ‘The Viability of Hanok in Urban Space' 발표
한옥의 경우 한옥 안에서 추구해야 할 새로운 지평 Ground Level/ Horizon 이 있다. 그리고 한옥이 아니라고 해도 우리의 주거 안에서 한옥의 중정, 마당을 어떻게 구현할 것인가. 옥 작업은 대부분 Renovation 이고 이는 지역마다 다른 작업이다. 북촌에는 심의규정이라는 것이 있기 때문에 가급적이면 그 안에서 풀어나가야 한다. 하지만 다른 지역에서는 적극적으로 그 집이 가진 정체성 안에서 현대적인 한옥의 모습을 구현하려고 노력한다. 전통적인 것을 무시하는 의미가 아니라, 지킬 것은 지키는 한에서 현대의 삶과 어울리는 공간을 만드는 것이다.
예 전에는 한옥 Han Ok -> 단독주택 Prviate Residence -> 아파트 Apartment 가 우리의 보편적인 주거지만, 주거 패러다임은 계속 변화해왔고 변화해갈 것이다. 지금도 주거의 재생, 자연에 가까운 삶에 대해 생각하는 추세로 변하고 있고. 보다 많은 사람들이 도시의 한옥과 단독주택에 주목하길 기대한다.
To Do:
1. What is Korean architecture?
2. What is Western architecture?
3. What is "Contemporary"?
Ye-Ol Client Information
YÉ' means 'beautiful' [ye-pu-da], but it also comes from the word 'long ago'[ye-ro-bu-teo],
and also means 'right here'[ye-it-da].
'OL' is derived from 'this year'[ol-hae] which implies the now or near future. It also means 'ply/thread' and is used with 'ol-god-da'[to be upright] or 'ol-ba-ru-da'[to be proper] which amplifies the meaning of the word that it is attached to. It also means 'to go up'[ol-la-ga-da] or is used to depict ‘thread by tread’ [ol-ol-y] delicate care and love such as that of a Mother. The Chinese character 兀 means 'to stand up prominently'.
Therefore 'YÉOL' stands for our desire to preserve today our long and illustrious heritage.
Thesis Topic + Related Questions
Client- Ye-Ol: cultural preservation group (
Design Requirements
Transform a traditional Korean house into a one-bedroom artist residence.
The kitchen and bathroom must be in "modern" style.
project details
1. Who is the artist? What type of work do they do (modern vs. traditional)? What type of space does that require?
design specification
1. Reveal: What is the importance of such detailing in building construction and overall impression?
2. How are ideas/values translated and embodied in a detail?
conceptual questions
1. Define "contemporary" and "modern."
2. What is the basis of "western architecture" and "Korean architecture"? Are there similarities or major discrepancies?
3. What are some examples of successful architecture that balances traditional and modern architecture?
* note to self: read Meaning in Western Architecture by Christian Schultz
Thesis Options
Site: Buk-Chon, Seoul, S. Korea
2. Furniture & Architecture: Study the trend of furniture and how it is being integrated into architecture.
3. Developing the City: Become familiar with the architecture trend in Korea and resolve problems that rise from an increasingly fast paced development that demolishes valuable, historical buildings.
4. Sensibility Study: Research on what determines a designer's sensibility to distinguish good and bad design.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
4.119 Preparation for Undergraduate Architecture Design Thesis
Alan Joslin